Linkedin Aspect Ratio

LinkedIn, as a professional networking platform, has its specific requirements for aspect ratios, tailored to ensure content looks its best across different types of posts and profiles.

For posts and articles, LinkedIn recommends using images with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 to optimize visibility and engagement. This landscape format ensures that images appear fully on both mobile and desktop feeds without unnecessary cropping.

Profile pictures and company logos on LinkedIn benefit from a square aspect ratio, typically 1:1, providing a clean and professional appearance across the site. This uniformity helps maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the platform.

Background images for personal profiles or company pages are best displayed at a 1584x396 pixel resolution, which translates to an aspect ratio of about 4:1. This wider landscape format allows for a panoramic view that can make a profile stand out.

Adhering to LinkedIn’s recommended aspect ratios can significantly enhance how content and profiles are perceived on the platform. By optimizing images and videos to fit these guidelines, users ensure their presence is both visually appealing and professionally presented, maximizing the impact of their online networking efforts.